
Take note that this list can be a bit outdated and there are most likely a lot of people that I’ve forgotten!

Pavilon & Blunder – All help with suggestions and testing. Without them, Gaia wouldn’t exist.
Kane – Community manager. Answering questions, managing servers, and updating spawnsheets.
Milkshake – Community manager. Answering questions, managing servers, and updating spawnsheets.
CrazyDemonicWolf – Community manager. Developing team. Answering questions, managing servers, and updating spawnsheets.
Ari – For all your help in the past with logos and graphics.
@Reaper#3513 – Discord helper that really put in the effort to help out users with their issues and also for rigging
LethalAffliction – For the help with networking/replication work on the GS Mutator. And also the help with Gaia collectors MU entries.
Nero Viperius – For the lore, you wrote for Gaia.
Leutian Kane – For all your help with Eternal, your statmod public source files, and for providing a stable SVN.
orionsun – For the source files for Redwoods Anywhere.
Inkraja – For translating the website into German.
Delanne(and her SO) – For being a superb community manager and helping people out and managing the official server.
NanoDragon – For helping out with creating stuff for Gaia.
Judqment8 – For the source files for Pick Up Relic.
Zythara – For the skeletal meshes on Decaying Indom, DodoRex, Theriz, Griffin, and Thyla.
N1njaAssas1n93 – For mod screenshots.
Sir Christo – For mod videos.
Jordanisgreat – For static meshes and some help with animations.
@andyftw#4518 – For suggesting an easier method of hiding the spyglasses UI.
@ODIN#0429 – For managing all 6 Gaia official servers and revamping the Discord.
– Heather. For donating and keeping this website alive by paying for server and domain costs.